
Fashion Style Inspo

By mikaeladelcatty - 11:16 AM

Hello gorgeous fellows.

So today I wanted to have a little chitchat about Fashion-Style Inspo; I would like to show you what and who inspire me the most about fashion, hoping that you’ll get inspiration as well from this, following your style, of course.
The first thing that inspire me most in fashion is editorials. I always am in search of old magazine pictures, mainly from the 60s, 70s and 90s. 
I always find brilliant inspiration through magazines, whether it’s about fashion, beauty or interiors. I’m going to show you some pictures now that I utterly love and inspire me on a daily basis.

One of my all-time favorite shots ever.

Love how effortlessly beautiful this outfit looks. 

Everything about this look is perfection.
The colors, the bag, the hat, the top, the scarf.

90s fashion
Some of these pictures have been shot by one of my all-time favorite photographers, Marc Hispard. 
The fashion from the early 90s inspires me very much, it definitely has an impact on my style.


I’ve always admired the makeup looks of the 60s, and not only that, but how feminine everything looks.
I love the patterns, extravagant jewelry, and the iconic and unique Twiggy makeup looks.

Outfit inspired by the 60s.


Now I’ll show you some of my favorite photos from my favorite fashion bloggers, and my favorite style-inspo icons.

Autumn vibes; that coat and the navy turtleneck is literal perfection.

The most perfect and casual outfit.

Jeanne Damas is, without a doubt, my favorite style icon. Her outfits are always so perfect in every little detail; the parisian look is what inspire me the most.
I also admire her as a woman; indipendent, confident and creative. Her style definitely shows these qualities that she has.

Elegance and sensuality.

Céline boots details, brilliant.

Can we talk about this outfit, please?

Christie Tyler.
One of my biggest inspirations and muse. I’ve followed her for so many years and look at her style grow beautifully, and even just watched her grow as a gorgeous woman. 
Her style is stunning and she’s one of the most creative human beings I’ve ever seen. 

Beatrice Gutu.
Another wonderful fashion blogger that had a huge impact in my style.
Her photos are genuinely perfect; her ways of expressing herself in pictures, the way she styles her vintage clothes, the way she poses.
Everything about this woman is inspiring and unique.

Now I’ll show you some of my favorite pieces by my favorite designer ever, Simon Porte Jacquemus.

Jacquemus is such an inspiration of mine; his creations are stunning and so 90s inspired, very minimalistic.
His pretty little bags, extravagant straw hats, and unique shoes. I could look at every little detail of his works and never get bored.
This man knows exactly the definition of fashion.


And now, I’ll leave you with some random pictures that inspire me everytime and that hopefully you’ll love as well.

The beauty of this dress by Jacquemus and its details plus the hat; too gorgeous .

Beautiful mood photo, again, shot by Marc.

That’s it for today’s fashion-inspo post!
Would you like too see more next time? Perhaps I’ll make a pt.II of this?
Tell me your thoughts!
Love, M. x

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